Joey Chan has been consulting since 1997, in providing Organizational Development (OD) process-consultation and training services. Joey worked with Duke Corporate Education as Asia Region’s Systems Thinking faculty trainer.
He has been a contracted lecturer of a diploma course on Learning Organization at Hong Kong Productivity Council and also a guest lecturer in Polytechnic University’s Management Executives Development Center (MEDC), mainly teaching TOC (Theory of Constraints) applications to manufacturers. Joey was the first Chinese Consultant Member of Founding Society of Organizational Learning (Founding SoL), which is now chaired by Peter Senge. Joey is also a consultant member of TOCICO (Theory of Constraints International Certification Organization).
Joey has focused more than a decade’s effort in learning and facilitating Chris Argyris’ Action Science. Following on that path, Joey also has practiced extensively on William Torbert’s Action Inquiry (or the Leadership Development Profile), Robert Kegan’s 4-Column Exercise and Roger Schwarz’s Skilled Facilitation. Besides providing service to consulting projects and trainings, he also provides executive coaching and group coaching to clients on demand.
With Postgraduate education in Systems Dynamics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Joey has applied this to organizational interventions. Joey is a seasoned training and consulting professional in the areas of Learning Organization, Systems Thinking, Theory of Constraint (TOC), Corporate Culture and Process Consultation. From 2006-2011, he has been working extensively with manufacturers to promote the idea of Viable Vision, which is the application of Eli Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints in production and supply-chain management. He is a contracted consultant of global consulting firm Goldratt Consulting.
Joey’s clients include Standard Chartered Bank, Merck, Boehringer Ingelheim, Nokia-Siemens Network, Alibaba(Hong Kong), Hong Kong Correctional Service Department, Hong Kong Airport Services Ltd., Kingfisher Asia Limit, IBM China/Hong Kong Limited, MTR Corporation, Bank of Communications (Hong Kong), Cathay Pacific Airways, Education and Manpower Bureau of HKSAR Government, Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Hong Kong Productivity Council, Jebsen & Co, Convoy NPL Financial Services Limited, and many other listed companies and non-profit making institutions, government agencies and universities in the region. As an experienced facilitator, Joey also facilitates executive think-tanks and delivers management improvement projects for his clients.
As a prolific columnist and author, Joey has contributed more than a hundred articles on management topics and business book reviews to several renowned publications in the region. With his extensive study and experiences in management consultancy, Mr. Chan is the author of Classic to the New Economy (2001).