Stingo Chan
Stingo partners with senior leaders to improve employee productivity and drive business results through working with
individual senior leader and teams. He has a mission in raising emotional health levels of leaders in corporations with the
aim of developing an alternative and meaningful approach to fulfil both organizational and individual goals.
Stingo has over 25 years consulting experience, both working within multi national corporations at regional and worldwide positions as well as providing consultancy for organizations at executive levels in the areas of leadership development; organizational change, employee engagement and executive coaching.
A graduate of Hotel and Catering Management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Stingo started his career in operations of the hotel industry and moved to Human Resources as a result of his natural passion and curiosity in understanding people. After 10 years he continued his career in the financial institutions and has been promoted to the Head of Learning & Organizational Development for Worldwide Profit Centre in 130 countries and Regional Head of Learning, Culture and Synergy for 16 markets in Asia Pacific.
Stingo developed a refined expertise in working with leaders in identifying business strategy with human capital alignment and executive team communications. He has advised leaders in various industries such as AIA, Aegon, AS Watson, Aviva, Carlsberg, FWD, Generali, HK Aero Engine Services Limited, HSBC, InterContinental, Mattel, Maxims, MetLife, Nang Fung Development, NARS Cosmetics, Peninsula, PICC, Roche, Sandoz, South China Morning Post, Starbucks, SunLife, etc.
Stingo is also passionate in translating his expertise to serve younger generations in local community and involved in many volunteering projects in developing future leaders.
Stingo is frequently invited to speak at seminars, workshops and conferences. He is also an organizing member for 2015 IHRM Annual Conference and a panel judge for the Training and Development Excellence Award of Hong Kong Management Association from 2010 to 2012. He was Vice President for the International Enneagram Association China Chapter in 2010-11. He is also a Fellow of the Global Leadership Foundation, one of the B Corps in the world.